the story begins like this..
theres a gurl named jaja.
n she has a fren named luqman hariz..
he is her bestfriend since they are at the primary school.
let me tell u da truth about her..
since standard 6,shes so crazy about this boy..
but deep inside her heart
she thinks like this
"will dat cute boy become my boy one fine day?
dats cannot be,
im not his type,just forgot him"
she said with humble intonation.
started from dat day
shes only kept dreaming about him..
from days to days shes grew up and shes forgot about this lokman..
till one day ,
the fate has destinied them to meet.and she saw dat boy with his brother..
shes trying to act like theres was nothing..
but inside her heart she said,
"Oh My Gosh,i knew this boy,yes,i do"
dAts was the boy that shes always dreaming of..
Shes just looking at him and smile politely to him..Even though that was a long time ago but i still can remember that moment..
A moment later on,
shes received a message from him and the message sounds like this if im not mistaken,
"hye ja,ingat aku lagi tak?"
(of course ar aku ingat..xkan xingat..mamat ni poyo r..ko taw x aku pernah nek basekal keliling cenderawasih sebab nak cari umah ko..what the..huhuhu.)
dats the poyos thing ive ever done.
at that time,this gurl has his boy already and shes just accept this lokman as her friend.
even though she was with another guy,lokman keep trying to be her bestfriend..
why this gurl is so naive..?
cant shes saw the sincere heart of him?
hes so caring to her..
hes always by herside when shes need him
whenever she felt down this guy will notice that and kept calling and messaging her..
eventhough this gurl was sumtimes so stubborn and just ignore him..
but hes too nice to that gurl and thats impressed me..
now,at this time,
when shes just settled down in the university,
shes just missing dis boy
bacause the boy has flew away to dublin to further his study and left her alone in Malaysia..
At this moment,shes too missing him coz shes cannot meet him.shes cannot hangout with him and the obvious thing dat shes facing now is shes just missing him badly coz theres no one to ask her out again,ask her about his education stuff,asking her about fashion,and also telling her da experiences of his life..
As the prove thats shes really appreciate the relationship with this guy,she has rent a car as the tranportation to go to the klia just because she wanted to say gudbye to the guy..without knowing any maps to go to klia shes just force herself to be brave to drive for the 1st time heading to klia with her frens..And as the reward,shes grab the opportunity to say gud bye to him and this pic shows that..Shes got many things to tell him but then refused to say it because that guy just met her for several minutes because hes just too busy with another stuff. Shes just lending her ears and shook her head as the meaning shes letting him go and ill miss you at that little time..shes so unhappy coz she cant saw him before the flight because shes need to rushing driving back to the college..but inside her heart shes pray to God and hopefully he will be arrive at dublin safely.
after shes just sign in facebook,her heart was just broken again because shes just saw the pictures of that guy with a gurl and thats made this gurl so dissapointed..is that jealousy or wat?maybe this gurl should do sumthing to get this man back..Lets see whats happen then..

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