Wednesday, December 30, 2009
hidup seorang aku
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ceriter bermuler begini
KisAh PaCak Ank DaRe UnCle Hamieed
~I met dis gurl for the 1st tyme maser dalam opis kolej 12…korunk nak taw dokkk..aku ni bukan r jenis yang skema gak kan…
Maser orientation week pon ku dah wat hal..disebabkan malas mendengar cermh yang hampeh ibarat lempeng basi tu aku pon dengan selamber nyer h jumper akak fasi…wat2 demam lahh pulokkk..padahal aku sehat walafiat….nak diteruskan ceriter berkaitan dengan penemuan aku ngan si pacak ni…
Aku terpandang r due ekor manusiya yang terlentang dengan port yang amat r strategic iaitu dalam selimut yang tebal…dalam benakku ni ku agak dahhhh…siot dak due ekor niyhh…ader ker dyorg g bantai nyer tido…hahha….tu lah 1st impression ku kt cak n niesah…opsss luper nak mention sal niesah dye ni rumet si pacak yang paling sporting dah r cun lak tuwhhh…hu8..ku dah agak tyme tu dak due ekor ni mmg spesies cam aku gak ni..hidop mesti slumber..ho9..n sementelah itulah juga detik persahabatan aku ngan si cak bermuler..sekarang ni lao xduk kaco dak2 ni sehari pon ku dah rinduuu,,nak2 tyme dye wat perangai lahabau sangap shopping dye tu sampai simpul biawak r kaki ku dibuatnyer…nak2 lao dah sampai sogo tu…huhuhu…tapi biler sampai klcc muler r pening kepaler xtaw nak beli per..duet ptptn banyak sgt sampai rabun ayam si kacaip adikku sayang ni..uhuhuhu
kiSah anNyRul And jWa bOOgIe
~pempuan due orang ni ku xpernh tgk diorg berenngang..tyme orientasi makhluk durjana due org ni gak r yang selalu lewat nak2 time kat dewan putra 2 tu..byaser r kan lao dah jumper kacip dari skol yang samer maner leyh berenngang kann..ahahaha..berenggang…uhuk2..yang bestnyer tyme dulu tu aku ngan c anny n jua ni leyh jadi kacip cozz anny samer group ngan ku under si mamat poyo tu per ntah namernyer..hahaha….n aku lak selalu borak ngan si anny bab dye ni mesra alam tu yang mengacipkan kami berdue…jua lak suker r interprem lamer2 tu kami bertige get along together gather…
Perangai anny yang giler
~anny sangat r touchng orgnyer….lao kene marah pon lex jek ku tengok…de zass jekkk…walaopon gitu…anny lahh org yang bertannggungjawab membangunkan si cak n jua teap2 pagi..aku pon samer….lao aku terlambt seap carikan baju utk ku lagi n katil aku pon kadang2 anny yyang kemas…
Jwa yang terboogie
~jua ni sangat outstanding n very competitive..dye jugak determined dengan per yang dye lakukan n did the very best so dat org akan notice kehadiran dye..ku xkesah pon…yang penting ku dah backup dye tyme ader seliseh paham ngan rumet dye yang kesialan tu..xbley blah dowhhhh…ku lah yang koya budget hero r konon..uhuhhuh.
Itulah serba sedikit alkisahnyer malam ni..alamak ni cam dah lewat jek ku raser..nk titun r jap
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
my cca4477

i mis my lil car.
but mine is in kl..
dats my sis whos using it rite now
im feel so alone without my baby car
nowhere to go
coz im so tired of drivin my moms storm
n my dads merc
even my 2nds mom crv
i need my my lil baby
when can i get my baby back
coz theyre waitin for their new harrier
i do need my car so desperately
my parents will never let me bring my car along with me coz they said
theres nowhere to park my car n what so ever
but deepest in my heart
i knew it already
coz they re really worry if im goin anywhere
especially im realy2 a bad gurl driver
n fiercely on the road
dats ridiculoUs
IM sick of this
dATS the reason why i do went shoppin without their permission
usually im takin ktm from serdang and went for a shopping at klcc,sg wang,mid valley,pavilion and etc
my mind is stickin at a moment when my parents when for a holiday without bringin me along coz ive got exam to attend
im so naughty at that time
went to my dads house and change my lil baby with his luxurious car
at that tyme i just went for a sight seeing with my gurlfren
then suddenly the auto window at the back cannot be close
i was so afraid at that time n im driving straightly to the accesories shop
luckily the mechanic can fix the window but it was so ashamed for unable to pay for the service which cost rm 4o cause my money has gone for the fuel.
luckily timoh got the money and paid for the service
dat was the unforgettable moment in my life..hihihi
i miss my car..
dats what i want to mentioned here
Friday, October 30, 2009
my 12 th college

Its all about my college…my 12th college.For the 1st time ive been here,The world is like
Its kinda weird for being in this college for the 1st time.But then I think its quite fun though
I walk along the pathway Alone Thinking would myself can cope thru all this?
Deepest in my heart said
‘yeahh babe of course,u gonna make it true”
From day to day i am so excited to study bout da new environment which I have to get thru for this 3 years onwards.
My coursemate is sumhow crazy yet brainy
They re lookin odd to me at the first sight
But when the times goes by everyone seemss nice and friendly
The Lecturer s also are very dedicate and frenly too…
The most important thing,
I get thru all this
I gain new friends and also bffs
And The happening roommate is like a GiVen from YOU
Ive enjoyed bein ere ands its quite sad for the holidays when the flowers is goin to bloom
der my new bffs that meant a lot for me
der oweys der
Oweys backin up when I wuz down
I Love U guys! & LY 12TH College
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Lyrics | K-C & Jojo - All My Life lyrics
the lyrics is very meaningful to me..hope to have a guy to dedicate this lovely song to me one day
Baby (x11)
I'm So Glad...
I Will Never Find Another Lover
Sweeter Than You
Sweeter Than You
And I Will Never Find Another Lover
More Precious Than You
More Precious Than You
Girl You Are..
Close To Me You're Like My Mother,
Close To Me You're Like My Father,
Close To Me You're Like My Sister,
Close To Me You're Like My Brother
And You Are The Only One My Everything
And For You This Song I Sing....
All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Thank God
That I..That I Finally Found You
All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Hope That You Feel The Same Way Too
Yes, I Pray That You Do Love Me Too
I'd Send You All That I'm Thinking Of........Baby
Said I Promise To Never Fall In Love With A Stranger
You're All I'm Thinking Of
I Praise The Lord Above
For Sending Me Your Love
I Cherish Every Hug
I Really Love You
All My Life (Ohhhh..Baby, Baby)
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Thank God
That I...That I Finally Found You
All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Hope That You Feel The Same Way Too
Yes, I Pray That You Do Love Me Too
You're All That I Ever Know,
When You Smile All My Face Always Seems To Glow,
You Turned My Life Around,
You Picked Me Up When I Was Down,
You're All That I've Ever Known,
When You Smile My Face Glows
You Picked Me Up When I Was Down
Say...You're All That I've Ever Known
When You Smile My Face Glows
You Picked Me Up When I Was Down
And I Hope That You
Feel The Same Way Too
Yes, I Pray That You Do Love Me Too
And All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Thank God
That I..That I Finally Found You
All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
Yes, I Pray That You Do Love Me Too
All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Thank God
That I ..That I Finally Found You
All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
Yes, I Pray That You Do Love Me Too
And All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Thank God That I...That I Finally Found You.....
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
as being a gurl whos single is a mess
dikala blog ini sedang di tulis..
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
kami bersame2 berayer

before rayer ag aku dah planning nak berayer ngan member2 aku ni..
yer r..semua bz
time cuti umum jek r ader maser untuk berjumper n bergurau senda...hehe
actually i dont paln to get along with pecho aswad myra sue n dirg ni semua nk berayer..tapi entah camner nak jadikan cerita kitorang ader jodoh lak hari rayer ke 4 tu..huhuh...aku dengan mempoyokan diri start storm aku n memblahkan diri dari rumah aku selepas mak aku pon kua berayer ngan my gambar pertama yang aku amek time kua ngan aness,tqah n wani tyme rayer umah datin...da r bosan giler kitrang 4 org jek yg g..then otw tu aness ckp ptptn baru dapat 4 da 2nd intake..aku per ag..ajak r member2 ni nak g atmm...sejurus kemudian terus aku menyuruh aness yang bertindak sebagai mak supir kami pada hari itu menghala ke ecm...yer r maner ag kan nak lepak lao kat kuantan ni kan..x east coast mall megamall ar jawabnyer..xkan nk g kp kot...bohsyan tahap dewa tuhhh...ermmmm....
the next 4th ari rayer aku kua ngan ayu n terus amek dye kt kp then pusing balik g umah sue..penat gakkk...ermm..apakan daya yang len xdak lesen lah hasilnyer..pas g umah sue kitorang nk g umah adda kat balok but then kene tunggu syeela n hanim kt petronas lak...setelah habis basah baju rayer ri tu baru r dourang ni sampai..terkezut aku tgk rambut baru syeela..ehehehe..ermmm..then pas g umah adda we re heading tu syeela home...raser g cam sekejap tapi biler dah jumper member samapi pagi pon bercerita xabes..ihihih...eermmm..itujek r yang kau nk citer kat sini..aku ni pon dah beku dah duk dalam lab ni..terpakser r nak online g lab coz broadband xbayar dowhh..heheheh..duiet sudah habis g soppin kt sg wang lollll.uhuhu...k r..ngntuk..nk balik tido n ptg ni kene g kelas titas n malam ader class public speaking lak is such a pleasure to celebrate eid with all my family eventhough ders only 8 persons of us..

even though this raya is not dat celebrate by us coz we're not that happy...actually we should move to our new house but then as some problems occur,so that we have to cancel that original plan..welll.back to the picture,this picture has been taken at my nanny's house which dated on the 1st rayer..
in addition i also update sum new pictures of our families...

Monday, September 7, 2009
abg epul's marriage

Sunday, September 6, 2009
the time when the time is not that rite for me

the story begins like this..
theres a gurl named jaja.
n she has a fren named luqman hariz..
he is her bestfriend since they are at the primary school.
let me tell u da truth about her..
since standard 6,shes so crazy about this boy..
but deep inside her heart
she thinks like this
"will dat cute boy become my boy one fine day?
dats cannot be,
im not his type,just forgot him"
she said with humble intonation.
started from dat day
shes only kept dreaming about him..
from days to days shes grew up and shes forgot about this lokman..
till one day ,
the fate has destinied them to meet.and she saw dat boy with his brother..
shes trying to act like theres was nothing..
but inside her heart she said,
"Oh My Gosh,i knew this boy,yes,i do"
dAts was the boy that shes always dreaming of..
Shes just looking at him and smile politely to him..Even though that was a long time ago but i still can remember that moment..
A moment later on,
shes received a message from him and the message sounds like this if im not mistaken,
"hye ja,ingat aku lagi tak?"
(of course ar aku ingat..xkan xingat..mamat ni poyo r..ko taw x aku pernah nek basekal keliling cenderawasih sebab nak cari umah ko..what the..huhuhu.)
dats the poyos thing ive ever done.
at that time,this gurl has his boy already and shes just accept this lokman as her friend.
even though she was with another guy,lokman keep trying to be her bestfriend..
why this gurl is so naive..?
cant shes saw the sincere heart of him?
hes so caring to her..
hes always by herside when shes need him
whenever she felt down this guy will notice that and kept calling and messaging her..
eventhough this gurl was sumtimes so stubborn and just ignore him..
but hes too nice to that gurl and thats impressed me..
now,at this time,
when shes just settled down in the university,
shes just missing dis boy
bacause the boy has flew away to dublin to further his study and left her alone in Malaysia..
At this moment,shes too missing him coz shes cannot meet him.shes cannot hangout with him and the obvious thing dat shes facing now is shes just missing him badly coz theres no one to ask her out again,ask her about his education stuff,asking her about fashion,and also telling her da experiences of his life..
As the prove thats shes really appreciate the relationship with this guy,she has rent a car as the tranportation to go to the klia just because she wanted to say gudbye to the guy..without knowing any maps to go to klia shes just force herself to be brave to drive for the 1st time heading to klia with her frens..And as the reward,shes grab the opportunity to say gud bye to him and this pic shows that..Shes got many things to tell him but then refused to say it because that guy just met her for several minutes because hes just too busy with another stuff. Shes just lending her ears and shook her head as the meaning shes letting him go and ill miss you at that little time..shes so unhappy coz she cant saw him before the flight because shes need to rushing driving back to the college..but inside her heart shes pray to God and hopefully he will be arrive at dublin safely.
after shes just sign in facebook,her heart was just broken again because shes just saw the pictures of that guy with a gurl and thats made this gurl so that jealousy or wat?maybe this gurl should do sumthing to get this man back..Lets see whats happen then..

~seharian kami car shoppin~

itulah monolog diriku semasa itu..tetiber baru aku teringat dan terus memalingkan muker ke arah laptopku yang dibiarkan online disebelahku..ermmm..
xdak pon orang ym aku rupenyer..yang ku tunggu itu xym pon..huuhuhuu..aku pon trus bangun dan menghayunkan langkah ku yang perlahan ke arah ruang tamu emerald hill condo ini
owhh..rupenyer abangku baru balik bersama kakak iparku..
dipendekkan citer,
abang aku berkater"jaja,jom kua..bosan r..meh ikut.."
aku pon dengan sengal dan pemalasnya menjawab
"aduh,nak kua g aner lak ni..aku nak duk on9 pon xley r..sebuk r kao ni"huhhuuhuhkeakraban antara kami menyebabkan kami tiada halangan untuk berkomunikasi sebegitu.then,komunikasi bersambung,
"ja,abg wan baru tengok alphard,dah nak tempah ni,jom ikot.."ujar abang sulungku
aku yang terkejut beruk ni pon berkata,
"Hah,biler awak gi tengok kete tu?katner?ermm?? bagus ni.."
"aku gi tengok tadi xar murah tapi ader r dekat rm ***k jek.."abang ku mengreplykan soalan terkejut berukku tadi.
Tibe2 aku teraser pelik sekejap sebab aku baru jek,kete aku maner muat ni..yang nak g 6 orang tapi myvi kecikku ini hanya muat untuk 4 jek..
kemudian disebabkan raser tidak sabarku menerjah kembali dan terus memberikan cadangan-bya anak-anak sedare aku tinggal,aku gi tengok dulu-heheheheabang aku pon setuju dengan cadangan aku tu..
hahhasetibenyer di kedai kete itu,aku dah ternampak alphard yang dimaksudkan tu~wahh...giler cun alphard ni..
camner aku nk drive ti..nampak rambut jek r
~~hahahah~~dats so rubbish~hahaha~
~setelah berikir dengan kerutan muker dan jugak melihat ke arah buku cek maybank milik beliau,abangku terus menulis not untuk membayar wang deposit kerana telah dengan suke hatinyer gembire hati untuk memiliki kereta terbabit
Unfortunately,my dad came n he asked my bro whether is it suitable for our family to own this crazily bigger car for our sake?
then my bro stopped his writing on the cheque book and he was following my dad to the area which locate the car named murano and it look so luxurious.
Hahaha.setelah itu,kami terus pergi ke arah tersebutkami pon terus ke kereta intu dan menerjah masuk ke dalam perut murano itu.. terbaekkkk~
~cun pon cun~
~memang seswai dengan aku ni~
~takat kuantan ni sejam jek aku lenjun kete ni~
~hahah~abang aku pon dengan serta merta setuju dengan aku dan terus menulis buku ceknya~
sementare itu,aku sempat juge mengusya kereta2 mewah laen yang cun dan sempat mengambil beberapa snap~huhuuitu sahaja yang hendak aku ceritakanand the moral is
~~keluarge aku ni giler siket~
~tengok pagi terus booking petang tu~
~hahhahah~~kami sangat shengal~~ n babah,jaja berjanji akan study hard and get the best job and beli kete mini cooper ni untuk kiter~hehhe~~insyaalah~

Saturday, September 5, 2009
the 1st time hangout with new bffs

aku melabuhkan tapak kaki ku sambil mengomel kepada fasha a.k.a cakkk.."Woit cak,aper r sengal pak guard upm ni kan...xley blah dowhhh..."then c cak ni plak trus mereply"beser r ja diorg ni memang camni"hahahahah..aku sempat menghamburkan kelucuan di situ.
Dipanjangkan citer,
masuk jek bilik Asraf,aku pun amek port beser kami..
budak2 ni kalo xwat kijer giler memang xsah..
tengah aku duk diam2 then c anny yang memang xpernah taw erti keshamean dengan pantas merenggut mic si khalil walker..aku yang sudah longlai di atas kerusi hanya duduk tersenyum menganngukkan kepala menandakan aku rela telinga ku dicemari dengan suara sumbang mambang miliknya..
c budak skema kosas tu datang n btaw kat kitowang khalil walker cancel the class n aku tanpe membuang maser tanpa 1.5 saat pon dengan langkah yang sepantas kilat aku memanggil cak,jua n anny untuk melaksanakan aktiviti yang biaser kami laksanakan iaitu Soppin Time..
sementelah mereka semua juga bersetuju untuk menjalankan aktiviti yang dipersetujui,kami terus keluar dari fbmk dan menuju ke bus stop yang berhadapan fbmk dan trus menerobos ke dalam perut bas komuter upm yang memang disediakan khas untuk kemudahan mahasiswi yang kuat berjalan seperti aku,jua,cak n anny..hahhaa...
nak taw kitowang wat per dah sampai kt stesen komuter?
ni larrhh hasilnyerrr